UPP leadership and executive denounce cabinet’s statements about Lovell as Deliberate and Malicious Lies

For immediate release: September 30, 2021
Contact: 726-0081

The Leadership and executive committee of the United Progressive Party (UPP) denounce the Cabinet for its deliberate and malicious attempt to vilify Harold Lovell, Political Leader, and sow further division among the population.

We cry shame on Cabinet Chairman Gaston Browne, Cabinet Members, the Minister of Information, and the Chief of Staff under whose responsibilities the Cabinet Notes fall for stooping so low and trying to put the people at odds with the medical fraternity at this critical time in the Nation’s life.

In an Observer Radio outing on Wednesday, September 29, Mr. Lovell was at pains to congratulate and express appreciation to the caregivers at Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre for their heroic efforts to save the health and lives of COVID-19 victims.

Like any responsible leader, he also expressed the Nation’s alarm at the high mortality rate among virus patients, which, as of September 27, was 2.4% —
second only to that of Grenada at 2.6% — and significantly higher than our OECS neighbors’ and that of Barbados. These statistics are factual.

Mr. Lovell recommended that the authorities look into the causes for our death rate, and even considered several reasons for it being so high. Among these were the possibility that COVID-19 victims are waiting too long to present themselves for treatment at the hospital.

He further recommended that – in addition to the public-vaccination drive, which he and the Party have vigorously supported – the Health authorities should make rapid testing available for FREE.

Lovell acknowledged that rapid tests are not the final determinant of one’s COVID-19 status; however, he pointed out that early detection would alert persons who are either asymptomatic or in the early stages of the disease, so they could seek treatment in a timely manner and reduce the spread among the population.

The UPP therefore advises the Cabinet to spend its time and resources in a more constructive manner that will actually benefit the people, rather than engage in the blatant lies and rumour-mongering that now characterize its Administration.

Meanwhile, the Leadership and Executive commiserate with the bereaved families and, indeed, with all COVID-19 victims, and we strongly urge all residents who are medically cleared to avail themselves of the opportunity to be inoculated.

1 Comment

  1. For those of us overseas who do not know the representatives and where they represent it would be nice if their names and areas be written next to their pictures. Following from New York City.

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