For Release: January 13, 2022
Contact: 726-0081
On behalf of the United Progressive Party’s Leadership, Executive and Membership, I am pleased and proud to stand with the Antigua & Barbuda Workers Union in defense of Sir George Walter and condemn the disrespect meted out to him by Prime Minister Gaston Browne.
PM Browne’s besmirching of Sir George’s legacy is not simply an indication of his own small stature as a statesman. It is a continuation of his shameful attempts to rewrite history in a way that gives credit only to those of his
political persuasion. However, the truth speaks loudly and clearly for itself in Sir George’s favour.
Every year on December 9, as we honour the pantheon of our heroes, the UPP joins with Sir George’s Family to celebrate his towering achievements. We do this respectfully and gratefully, recognizing that he and his Administration left a tangible and valuable legacy for all the people of Antigua and Barbuda and, in particular, the workers of this country.
It is a debt we can only try to repay. And so, as great nations do its fallen heroes, we will remember Sir George.
Harold Lovell
Political Leader