The 13th installment of the UPP’s ‘Small Business Pull-Up’ tour will take place on Saturday November 12th. A caravan of UPP supporters will traverse St. Mary’s North to support small businesses in the community.
The UPP team will leave Jennings Primary School at 1:00 pm and will patronize a diverse array of small enterprises in Jennings, Bendals, Cashew Hill, Bath Lodge and Browne’s Ave. The team will share the UPP’s Small Business Agenda for Development and Growth with vendors and patrons.
Senator Johnathan Joseph, UPP Candidate for St. Mary’s North, believes that small businesses are at the core of every community. He has witnessed firsthand the hard work, patience and dedication that it takes to maintain a successful business.
“It is important that the UPP continues to support vendors and small enterprises as they struggle to regain economic strength, in an effort to support their families and communities. For many, their small business is their primary source of income and the UPP is committed to giving them a boost to help generate more sales and exposure,” said Joseph.
Since late August, the UPP ‘Small Biz Pull-Up’ has been highlighting and empowering small businesses throughout the pandemic-recovery. With only four more events planned in the ‘Small Business Pull-Up’ series, Joseph urges everyone to come on board.
For more information about the ‘Small Business Pull-Up’ in St. Mary’s North, Tel: 728-4321.